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Game Name : Star Control 3
System : Macintosh
Date Added : 2002-10-12 00:53:06
Views : 23794

Walkthrough :
Soooo....how do I accomplish this...and more
importantly.....just exactly how much of the Mycons and VUX
conversation do I have to listen to?

Basic tips for all around play: EXPLORE...don't be afraid
to talk to ICOM...save as often as you can, because a LOT is
done through CAREFUL conversation...this is a game of
diplomacy, not war-mongering. Your colonies will do better
producing resources than ships. In fact, we found it to be
unnecessary to build new colonies relying solely upon
homeworlds and Crux-made colonies.

The spacial anomalies are events. Certain things only
happen after these systems vanish. Picus is first. When
Eltanin disappears, be sure to have a strong fleet (We
recommend: Ur-Quan Dreadnoughts, Chmmr Avatars, Mycon
Podships and Utwig Juggers. Be sure to use the Precursor
Artifacts to upgrade these ships) as when you appear in the
now-collasped Eltanin system, the Crux will warp in to greet
you. They accuse you of causing the anomaly with your
'technography' and a large battle ensues. The third anomaly
is Tyche.


Spathi: These guys are hilarious, so you will want to
actually listen to them. Their ships are not the best, so
we don't build them. They are cowardly little critters, so
they will defect to the Crux after mild threats. They will
complain a bit at first, but they join the Crux soon after.
You may get into combat if the Spathi have any ships, so to
avoid all combat when they defect, don't let them build any.
Since the Spathi are easy to take out, it really doesn't
matter. You can say anything to them without fear. This
conversation is actually funny, and the best part is that
the Spathi are a wealth of information. They even have the
Marble Flange for you. In truth, the Spathi leaving is a
really good thing. (Besides, they return later.)

Mycon: We REALLY dread talking to these guys. They are so
dusty and dry...so we talk only when we MUST...(and they are
musty). They are constantly being harrassed by the VUX, so
their colony is almost no use to you. They will complain
incessantly about the VUX, and you will need to confront the
VUX when you learn of the raidings. If you catch the VUX in
the act three times, this should end the raidings. BE
WARNED...the VUX combats usually start to their advantage,
so be ready to move out of range. After your tech-team
tells you of the possible evolution of the Mycon, you will
need to ask them about their Deep Children. NOTE: You can
get as many Deep Children as you like by repeating this
conversation with the Mycon, and repeatedly asking them for
a Deep Child. It takes a while for them to arrive, but you
really need only talk to the first one. Isn't this a great
way to get more Green Mycons? We thought so. DO NOT bring
their ships with you when you talk to the Red Mycons, or
they will defect on the spot. Later, the guild will ask you
to do something about the slavery tactics of the Mycons, and
they leave anyway. Let the Crux listen to them....we don't
need them...we now have the Green Mycons. When you talk to
the Precursors, you will have another option concerning the

Ur-Quan: We really liked the Ur-Quans...don't miss the
oppurtunity to listen to their history...it's worth it.
Obviously, the Ur-Quan really do it for us. Their ships are
really all you need...well, they aren't shabby and they
really kick the snot out of the Daks with no effort. They
later fragment into two races (again!) but they are still
both Green Ur-Quan (but you can't tell them that...you can't
tell them much of anything, actually...they are intent on
'cleansing' the galaxy of filth. Filth = anything NOT Kohr-
Ah.) Just know that you may lose half your Ur-Quan colonies
because of this. We avoided the civil war ENTIRELY by not
colonizing. Some of your communication choices suggest
crushing opposition...we don't recommend using any of these.
Humans and League Captains need to set an example of

Syreen: What can we say about the Syreen...one gas station
in space is as good as any other. We don't like their new
blue faces (didn't they come from the same genetic stock as
us?) but they are necessary for certain storylines. The Orz
really hate them, and it may seem that you can't trust the
Syreen either. The Syreen are sneaky, but loyal...and you
will desperately need them to continue the game...so DON'T
kick them out of the League. (Think about it...a League
Captain shouldn't act on second-hand information anyway)
Besides, if you kick them out, then who will revive the
Chenjesu and mind-wipe your tech team...hmm?

Utwig: These guys are the same as always. Their ships are
pretty good, so take them. They lose their Ultron and their
production drops to 70%, so you can't rely on their colonies
for very long. The truth is that the VUX steal the Ultron,
so you must confront the VUX about that. The Arilou will
tell you that the Pkunk can locate this. You will not get
the proper communication choice without the Arilou, so wait
for them to tell you about this. Repairing the Ultron
requires the Marble Flange, the Crystal Plate and the Ivory
Sheath. Have patience with this...you will need to fix it
and refix it. (You will soon be asking yourself why you

Chmmr: You can say anything you want to these guys. They
have a remarkable talent for stating the obvious..but it's
worth it for their ships....oh boy! These guys are later
bifurcated by the Daks. They believe that the Chmmr are an
Eternal One summoning device. You are offered the
bifurcation device...DON'T take it..you are supposed to
protect the life of all sentients, ESPECIALLY those that are
not violent towards you and in your LEAGUE. Don't do it.
The Daks will do it for you, splitting them into comatose
Chenjesu and broken Mmrnmhrn. You can ask the Syreens to
revive the Chenjesu, but you need the Mother Ark to restore
the Mmrnmhrn. To find the Mother Ark, you will need to
search the rainbow worlds. This will involve saving the
Harika/Yorn and visiting the Owa homeworld. You also need
the Anti-Matter Container to hold this stuff, which the Doog
possess. Needless, to say, this restoration occurs near the
end of the game. You also need another Sun Device...and
this is in the possession of the LK. After reviving the
Chmmr, they feed you the coordinates of the HighPoint

Pkunk: The Pkunk are really helpful with the information,
but their "Death Blossom" is a bit over-rated. They are
absolute necessities in the VUX/Ultron issue, but they go a
bit off kilter because of a computer on the Exquivan
Homeworld. To get the Pkunk back on track, you must consult
the Arilou (always showing up when you need them) and they
tell you how to talk to the Exquivans. If you have not
encountered them before, they will test your ship's mettle
(in combat) and your mettle (in conversation) which will
have you tearing your hair out. You will need the Syreens
to mind-wipe your tech-team (may not be available until ICOM
tells you to do so) and you will need to get the Exquivans
to agree not to attack you and allow you to access their
homeworld's surface. You should have the data-pack...DO NOT
RUN THIS IN YOUR SHIP. After this, the Pkunk are their
normal, chipper selves once again.

Orz: They are a bit hard to understand. In fact, we don't
really know WHAT the Orz are talking about...and that makes
us *frumple*. We do know that we like listening to the Orz
in general and that their ships are no laughing matter. The
Orz do not like the Arilou or the Syreen and they may have
finished off the Supox ship, but we are not sure. We do
know that the Ebon Hinge stays in our custody and they do
threaten us over it. It's safe to ignore this threat
because 1) it is diplomatic, and 2) are you really sure that
it was a threat? The Orz show up at the third (and last)
collapsed system anomaly. They also leave near the end of
the game and you will have to fight them. This
communication will leave you saying "HUH, what, oh...you
wanna fight, hmmm?".

VUX: What is there to say about a race of monocular, slimy,
squid-faced, back-stabbing betrayers with Mickey Mouse
shaped pupils? They are so pitiful that the computer has to
give them a start-up advantage so that they might have a
chance. They wreck havoc in your League and they are really
bad liars. They raid the Mycon, divulge League secrets to
the Crux and steal the Ultron. Kick them out of the League
after you find the stolen Ultron and let the Crux have them.
Good riddance. Actually, they do not stay gone, as after
time, you will discover their DNA coding and that of the
Vyro-Ingo. The LK can tell you how to reassemble the
strands and VOILA! a new race for the League. (There is no
trigger for these discoveries, they seem to be time related
events.) NOTE: The new race will give you the last piece of
the Ultron.

Arilou: They remain largely neutral throughout the game.
Call them Deus ex Machina...okay...they move the game along
by "popping" in when you need them most for answers. We say
popping because their heads look like they are making Jiffy
Pop...or something is ready to break free. Then they
conveniently tell us that we couldn't understand the
answers. We would like a straight answer from them just
once and to hear these answers to know for ourselves that
it's beyond us. That's the way the game goes though. They
do not like the Orz, and the Syreen do not trust them. Can
you blame them? It's really hard to trust someone with a
head that percolates.

Xchaggers: They are a microscopic race that can't wait to
join your league. What they lack in stature, they make up
in heart. You learn about them after you learn of the
Harika plague, talk to the Spathi about it and confront the
K'tang. The K'tang tell you where they found the disease
and you can now fly to Zosma to find the pod for yourself.
This communication is funny, so it's worth the effort to
listen. After hearing their history, you know that you
cannot kill the Harika plague. Your tech team finds a serum
that will kill the Xchagger, but you cannot use it. Save
your game here, as it is tricky. One wrong sentence will
definitely cost you the Harika and the Xchagger. You must
ask the Harika if they will join the League if you cure
them, and still refuse because it will kill billions of
sentients. This choice should allow you to get to the
harika bodies that you need. Talking to the Xchaggers will
give you the ship hives, so you do not need to colonize with
them. Restoring the Lost Dynasties will give you a couple
of ships. You can't get their home ship to join your
fleet...it's their homeworld...you can't drag around their
homeworld...(We know it's just a ship and logically it
should join...we figure that it's a prime directive thing
that prevents us from moving it.) You will also need their
help in repairing the microscopic damage to the Mother Ark.

Owa: The guardians of the Rainbow Worlds. Up till now,
the rainbow worlds are of no use to you....at least you can
see the goodies, but you can't retrieve them...this will
come later, when you cure the Harika and liberate the Doogs.
Don't worry about killing the Owa. Before you obliterate
them, however, you should get them to speak of their
homeworld and you should tell them that you will convey a
message to their world for them. Telling the Owa that their
guards died in battle will get you where you need to be,
although it doesn't seem like the correct response. Go
figure. These guys really understand nobility. They give
you an anti-matter scoop. If you already have the anti-
matter container from the Doogs, don't get discouraged.
Quite obviously you need more. You must also get them to
promise not to retaliate against the Harika, who told you
the location of the homeworld. After the Chmmr are
bifurcated, the Owa will offer you the highly experimental
Anti-Matter vessel that also you to go to the worlds to
scoop and contain the Anti-Matter. You must clean all
rainbow worlds to fill the container, and you must clean
Calypso 1 to retrieve the Mother Ark.

LK: They talk like snakes, look like leeches...but they are
saporilic spores (read: Mushrooms). They appear only after
your tech team finds Precursor records in a Quasi-Space
portal. They will attack on sight, accusing you of being
the Crux. After that, they will admit that they were lying
and no battles occur. These guys are as deceitful as snakes
are reputed to be, but they do have the Sun Device that you
need....(and you want those Avatars up and running). They
want the Red Spiral Rail, currently in the possession of the
Daks and it didn't take much to convince us to blow the Daks
back to the Stone Age. (Wasn't really hard, what with our
jacked-up Dreadnaught). They will give us the Sun Device
first, on the condition that we give them an Eternal One
Signal Deflector...(yeah, right, as if we wouldn't
renegotiate THAT deal. You don't have to honor the deal
anyway. We did, you don't need it and we kinda LIKE an
alien race that greets us with the honor we deserve....make
your own decision.) They won't talk to you unless you
forfeit the Red Spiral Rail, and although it hurts to let it
go...what else you gonna do with it. Give it to them. They
will also give you the technology that allows you to combine
the DNA of the Vyro-Ingo and the VUX.

Vyro-Ingo: A very confused race. It's easy to get into
combat with them. They take everything you say as an
insult. As you teach them a few manners, remember that
these creatures will combine with the VUX, and feel very,
very sorry for them. You won't be able to have them join
the league until the Arilou tell you of THE insult. After
they join, you can say what you want to them, including the
parts about their deficient gene pool and they will leave,
but you can apologize and bring them back. When you combine
their DNA with the VUX DNA, they will want to see the VUX.
What you need to do is grab a few of their ships and send
them to Salacia 2. Nature will take its course from there.

Exquivans: They resemble Ewoks, don't they? They talk like
a crazed Pat Morita (you know...Mr. Miyagi?) They are the
Exquivans, and they will attack you to test you. Once you
beat them, the Arilou will tell you to reason with them.
Try to avoid the argumentative choices and eventually you
will get them to agree not to attack you. Take your mind-
wiped tech team to the surface and examine the Precursor
ship. They have insights regarding the shame of the
Clairconctlar but only after they have tested your mettle.
After you talk to the Precursors, talk to the Exquivans
again and they will join you.

Green Mycon: What is there to say...they are the just like
the Red ones..only not as slow, sluggish or demented. Talk
to them and have them join the League. DON'T bring them
home to Janus 8. Leave them in friendly places. (You can
gather the ships again, later, as needed). There is a big
decision you need to make regarding them in your discussion
with the Precursors. We don't think that there is a right
or wrong response, so we will not give advice regarding the
decision to keep the Red or Green Mycons.

Daktaklakpak: These guys are not as smart as they think,
and they are not as easy to rile as the K'Tang. Basically,
you can pretty much say whatever you like, so long as you do
not call them "Daks". That tends to anger them. They tend
to guard planets with anomalies, so you can count on a
battle to get each artifact, but sometimes they guard
planets of no interest too. They will attack you on sight
until you can speak their language (your tech team equips
you with a translator) and will always attack if you come
near a planet with an anomaly. They will 'allow' you to
live if you can convince them that you will be gathering
Precursor information for them. Of course, you can get them
to fill you in, and reply that you have no new information
for them. It is a bit dishonest, but this is the Earthling
way, the greater good, the needs of the many. You get the
datapack from the surface of the Exquivan homeworld. Guess
what that contains. The Dak are slavering to get this from
you...and you can ask anything you want in return...but you
can only get one item or answer per Dak. I enjoyed this,
myself. Be sure you trade them for the Variance Key and the
K'Tang Missile.

Ploxis: They appear to be the brains of the Crux...and will
eventually try to persuade you to ally with them. If you
listen to them, the only allies they really have are
themselves. They manipulate and use their allies. However,
they have loads of information and we have yet to provoke
them to battle. In the first meeting with them (their
homeworld remains inaccessible). However, if they are the
brains of the Crux, you have nothing to worry about. By the
time we ran into them, the Doog and the Harika were in the
League, and the Crux were stuck with the VUX, Mycon and the
Spathi. Ploxis had yet to find out about this, so we were
laughing up our sleeves during the whole conversation. They
are in possession of a bomb that is in fact an Eternal One
Summoner. You will later receive coordinates for the Rebel
Ploxis. Your tech team discovers a QuasiSpace Portal. They
are in Cryogenic Sleep and cannot be restored until you get
their ships on Pauguk 4. Once in their ships, they wake
and speak. The Ploxis Plutocrat is waiting for you at
Highpoint. He is really easy to beat, but get his attention
with a punch in the ol' snotlocker with a fist full of anti-
matter. (Jettison the antimatter near him.)

K'Tang: These guys are so funny. You can really lead them
into insulting themselves. Ask them about the Crux races,
they will list all but themselves. Start at the top and
lead them into the choice calling them 'dolts'. Gets 'em
every time. The K'Tang are mean, nasty and stupid.
Anything you say that calls the K'Tang stupid or idiots will
get you into combat. It doesn't matter if you are repeating
what another person says..all they hear is you calling them
stupid. Not like it's a problem, you can take these guys
easily. They give you information regarding the location of
the Xchaggers. If you traded the Daks for the
Missile...then you are in luck, buddy. Launch that baby at
the K'Tang headquarters on Argus 5. You can bully them all
you desire. They give you most useful info on the Daks and
the empty Ploxis ships they have on Pauguk 4.

Harika/Yorn: They are suffering the Xchagger Plague. They
will ally with you if you can cure them. To do this you
must talk to the Harika, the Spathi, the K'tang and the
Daks. Talk to the Harika about all you found out. Go to
Zosma and get the Xchagger to join you. Your tech team will
give you a serum that will kill the Xchagger Lost Dynasties.
However, they will tell you that they need to study comatose
Harika to try and extract the Xchaggers. SAVE YOUR
GAME...one wrong sentence and you lose both Harika and
Xchagger. The key is to ask them to join the league, and
still refuse to help them. This path will give you the
choices that you need to get the bodies. Study of this will
produce the Extractor and with the Ship Hives, you may begin
to save the Harika. You must go to both planets, Tychon and
Gierah to get the Harika to join. They are a wealth of
information, including the location of the Owa homeworld.

Clairconctlar: These guys are slow talkers, but their ships
are something to consider. To better understand them, you
need to talk to the Exquivans. Travel to the Enkidu system.
There your tech team will inform you of the signals from
Enkidu 4C. Their queen is there, but their station is only
3 planets away. Sound silly? No, the Clairconctlar are
creatures of honor. Unfortunately, they were dealing with
some pretty shifty characters (Ploxis, who else) that
tricked them into serving the Crux. Go to the Queen and
pick up a Conc rock. You can give this to the
Clairconctlar, but be sure to take one to the LK. They will
explain the importance of the rock to you. Take this rock
to the Clairconctlar and do what you must to get them to
follow you to the Queen. They have lots of information, so
don't hesitate to ask.

Doogs: By far the easiest members of the Crux to recruit.
They are always workin' workin' workin'. Simply talk to the
Spathi to learn of their plight and talk to a Doog colony.
They should tell you that it costs them 5 RUs to speak. Get
them to tell you of their debt and buy the colony. Each
colony will cost about 10,000 RUs. We think that the Doog
for the Spathi is more than a fair trade. The Doog also
have the Anti-Matter Containment Field, but not many Crux
secrets, because the Crux doesn't confide in the Doog. A
final note, the Doog Constructor is a tough ship to beat
BEFORE the upgrade, afterwards it is doggone near invincible
(okay, you could bounce between a planet and asteroid, or
you could be watching t.v, getting a drink, whatever and
find yourself killed..you get the idea. One ship took out
the entire Orz fleet and the Heralds, no sweat)

Precursors: Believe it or not, you finally meet these
mythological beings. You will need the Variance Key from
the Daks (traded for the name of the Eternal1s...a rather
fair trade, in our opinions) and an Ortog from the
Xchaggers, (your tech team will tell you when this is an
option). Use the Key and the Ortog on Begregren 2 to get
the Celestial UnDevolver. This summons the Precursor. Feel
free to ask it any question you want. It tells you to
prioritize your questions, but that is done for you....ask
away. This encounter grants you the Sentience Notation

THE END: What you were waiting for....after the huge battle
at HighPoint, question your attackers. They will give you
lots of information AND the Sentience Thresher. Your tech
team tells you how and what to combine...it's fool proof.
Now, journey to the homeworlds of 13 different
species...(don't count, ICOM does this for you). Return to
HighPoint and it's in the bag. BEST homeworlds.....you MUST
visit the VUX, the Spathi, the Ur-Quan, and the Xchaggers,
not in any particular order, and for no other reason than
your amusement. After you finish, return to HighPoint.

List of Homeworlds
--->The League of Sentient Races

Earthling (That's you) Helios 3
Spathi Goshen 4 (They defect)
Syreen Astarte 1
Utwig Fomalhaut 5
Pkunk Arcadia 6
Mycon Janus 8 (They defect)
VUX Salacia 2 (You kick them out)
Ur-Quan Velpunia 6 (They divide in
Civil War)
Orz QSM/Nyx/Muhlifain 7 (They leave)
Chmmr Hypnus 2 (They get incapacitated
and bifurcated)

--->Neutral/New Races

Green Mycon (recruitable) Janus 8 (after Plasma Regroover is
Vyro Ingo (recruitable) Izanagi 5
Xchaggers (recruitable) Zosma 6 (well, sorta)
Exquivans (recruitable) Anshar 3
Owa Mnemosyne 1 (after curing Harika)
LK QSG/Azazel (after Tech-team mentions
Precursor records)
Arilou These guys just pop in and give you

--->Hedgemonic Crux

Daktaklakpak No Homeworld
Ploxis No Homeworld
K'Tang Argus 5
Harika/Yorn (recruitable) Typhon 3, Gienah 1
Clairconctlar (recruitable) Enkidu 7
Doogs (recruitable) Cerberus 2, Izanami 2, Proserpina 1,
Adapa 1, Chloris 1, Melpomene 4

Locations of all Artifacts

Spathi Upgrade Helios 4
Orz Upgrade Salacia 7
Pkunk Upgrade Janos 6
Mycon Upgrade Hypnus 3
Ur-Quan Upgrade Arcadia 5
Syreen Upgrade Fomalhaut 9
Chmmr Upgrade Nyx 2
Clairconctlar Upgrade Benten 5
Doog Upgrade Barona 6
Human Upgrade Horus 7
Xchagger Upgrade Zaniah 3
Owa Upgrade Morpheus 4
Vyro-Ingo Upgrade Vesta 1
Utwig Upgrade Mahakala 5
VUX Upgrade Tractorus 3
Exquivan Upgrade Ceres 5
Harika/Yorn Upgrade Ettenrub 2
Marble Flange Spathi give this to you
Ebon Hinge Muhlifain
Crystal Plate Nebusta 1
Daktaklakpak Datapak Alula 1 (Rainbow World)
Mother Ark Calypso 1 (Rainbow World)

Listing of Systems with Rainbow Worlds


This faqsheet is may be shared, printed or distrubuted on
condition that the Creators' names are NOT stripped from it.
Thank you and the wrath of the Tall Man and the Eternal1s be
on you if you do so. May God be with you because no one
else will....

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